Resident Assistant: Key to Success

The RA (Residence Assistance) is the person who is in charge of the floor and taking care of the guys if they are in need.  He is also the focal point in how this community functions.  The RA sends out information in GroupMe to the guys, interacts with them, and tells them about all the fun activities that everyone can do that week on campus.  He sets up intramural teams for the residents to compete in the leagues hosted by the CoRec.  In the bathrooms by all the toilets, he creates a bathroom read that has all the upcoming events and other important information for the guys to read.  During the month of November, he set up a no shave November for the guys to do and about 15 residents, including the RA, took part in this.  Without the RA, this community would struggle to work and be as efficient as it is with him.RA-dorm-room-2